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Integrated Catchment Planning

Build resilient catchments and communities.

Our integrated catchment planning approach considers the role of healthy ecosystems in sustaining the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of communities.
Ecology, geospatial and catchment planning work illustration

Planning for Sustainable Catchments

Our Process ▸
Morphum combines its multi-disciplinary technical expertise in a collaborative approach with iwi, communities and key stakeholders to develop robust catchment plans that support sustainable outcomes for future generations.

We build on local understanding with technical investigation, analysis and tools to develop spatially and temporally referenced action plans that give effect to local aspirations, prioritise effort and resources.

Our Catchment Planning Process

Northland Natural Hazards Risk Portal for climate change adaptation planning
Step 1

Catchment Analysis

Morphum is adept at collating a wide range of literature, technical data and other information types in taking stock of a catchment. We apply a range of approaches and tools in analysing and distilling the drivers, pressures, risks and opportunities to protect assets and optimise strengths across the natural systems and associated social, cultural and economic components of the broader system.

This understanding is a foundational step in an effective planning process.
Stakeholder & Community Engagement Services
Step 2

Stakeholder & Community Engagement

No-one understands the landscape better or are more invested in its sustained health than its custodians – the people who live, work and play in a system.  

We apply an approach of planning ‘by the people for the people’ which seeks to ensure local knowledge is captured, and that existing, often voluntary community efforts, are captured so they can be recognised and scaled up. This approach supports ownership of and confidence in plans.
Morphum presenting results of carbon reporting and reduction assessment
Step 3

Vision, Objectives & Outcomes

We begin articulating the vision of a common future based on consolidated aspirations of stakeholders and communities.

With this vision, we set objectives and outcomes against which success can be measured, ensuring accountability and defined goals for all involved.
Stormwater infrastructure assessment in a dense native New Zealand forest
Step 4

Action Planning

If planning vision and objectives is the overarching goal, planning for actions is each step. These actions are grounded and defined, resulting in more tangible, outcomes at each step towards the objective.

Actions plans are delivered as a prioritised set of actions and can include targets, partners, budgets and spatial focuses, with realistic planned outcomes. These plans build on existing initiatives that are tailored to support your catchment in the most pragmatic way possible.

Given the dynamic nature of climate policy, climate change of other drivers, we promote adaptive management based on robust monitoring and regular reflection in order that the plans remain relevant.
Assessment of a construction site for ecological test, including lizard survey, bat survey and bird survey
Step 5 + Ongoing


Catchment restoration is an intergenerational undertaking.

It requires and we prioritise, the identification and establishment of appropriate governance systems (institutional arrangements, financial mechanisms and communication tools) to enable the efficient, effective and sustained implementation of the plan over time.

Securing authentic iwi and community representation in any such arrangements and decision making is an essential ingredient. Similarly, the identification of a suit of sustainable financing options is essential to upscale effort and achieve meaningful and observable outcomes, and to secure gains.

Catchment Management Services

Integrated Catchment Management Plans
Stakeholder & community engagement
Geospatial catchment analysis
Catchment management models
Streamwalking & catchment-wide assessments
Waterway & habitat regeneration
Catchment analysis
Governance support
Restoration planning
Climate risk assessments
Stormwater Asset Management
Outfall erosion protection design
Contact Us ▸
Ecology, geospatial and catchment planning work illustration

Catchment Planning Projects

Te Hoiere / Pelorus Catchment Enhancement Plan

Planning with the Ministry for the Environment and the local communities to produce an integrated plan.

About Project ▸
Catchment plan being developed for integrated catchment management in Pelorus

Freshwater Management Tool Development

Creating a GIS tool for Auckland Council to analyse and plan for healthier freshwater systems across the region

About Project ▸
Freshwater and asset mapping for councils

Why choose Morphum for your

Catchment Planning

Catchment Planning Services

From Mountain To Sea

We take the time to learn the entire waterway flow path, embracing the complexity that comes with your unique catchment area.

We conduct thorough water health assessments to gather data on hydrology, geology, land use, and biodiversity, and we provide geospatial tools that communicate this information effectively.

This data informs strategies at the national, regional and local levels, creating a foundation for any future works and decisions to be tailored to the specific needs of each catchment.
Green water infrastructure icon

From Reactive To Proactive

Preparing for the future before we reach it.

Morphum's effective catchment planning gives our clients the ability to make informed decisions for water catchments, creating a holistic view of the complex web of variables that both affect and are affected by our waterways.

Through planning for proactive decision making, we can create positive change together, resulting in improved water quality, enhanced biodiversity, and increased resilience to climate change.

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