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Safety & Quality Hub

Health and Safety Policy

November 2024

Morphum Environmental Ltd (Morphum) is an environmental, engineering and sustainability consulting company, committed to health and safety practices in all areas of work. Morphum has established, documented, implemented, and is maintaining a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System, and continually improving its effectiveness in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (NZ), Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Australia) and associated regulations.

Our aim is for all Morphum and our partners to work in an effective partnership to promote an accident-free workplace and to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all people in the vicinity of our workplace.

To this end, Morphum commits to:
  • Implement and maintain a health and safety management system that fulfils or exceeds the obligations of relevant legislation and ISO standard 45001;
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organization and to the specific nature of the risks and opportunities;
  • Provide a framework for setting the health and safety objectives;
  • Fulfil legal requirements and other requirements;
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks;
  • Continual improvement of the health and safety management system;
  • Consultation and participation of workers, and, where their representatives.

Morphum will do this by:

  • Provide for the health and safety of all employees, including facilities, equipment, working culture, training, instruction, supervision, mental health, and alternative working arrangements;
  • Provide for the health and safety of our partners (those we work alongside, including clients, subcontractors, visitors to Morphum facilities, the landlord and the public), as far as reasonably practical;
  • Regularly review relevant health and safety policies, procedures, employees, and equipment and facilities, and implement continual improvement practices;
  • Educate employees of their responsibilities, including taking all practicable steps to ensure they do not cause harm to themselves or others at work;
  • Engage with employees on Health and Safety issues, including the appointment of Health and Safety Employee Representatives in all major work streams;
  • Implement and maintain a hazard management system that proactively identifies, assesses, controls and records new hazards and hazards identified daily during field visits;
  • Engage with our partners to ensure adequate health and safety procedures;
  • Develop emergency procedures for Morphum facilities and inform all employees and visitors.
  • Embed health and safety in all Morphum projects by utilising Safe Working Procedures, Project Specific Health and Safety Plans, Equipment Use and Maintenance Schedules or Safety in Design Register where relevant.

The people responsible for implementing our health and safety measures are:
Dean Watts (Director)
Caleb Clarke (Director)
Matthew Hall (Health and Safety Lead)
Emma Jay (Health and Safety Manager)
Abigail Laurent, Ellis Nimick, Tsitso Mocumi, Rajesh Shrestha (Health and Safety Representatives)

Quality Assurance Policy

October 2024

Morphum Environmental Ltd is committed to providing consistent high quality work and outcomes for all clients with an innovative, agile and collaborative approach.

The quality management system is founded on a culture of best practice and continuous improvement.

In alignment with this, Morphum Environmental has established the following quality objectives. These objectives will be reviewed annually.

Quality objectives
1. Ensure quality assurance procedures and documentation is complete for all projects;
2. Ensure that delivery timelines agreed with clients are met;
3. Maintain an average client feedback rating of 15 out of a possible 20 using our standard feedback form.
4. Maintain accreditation for ISO 9001 Quality management systems requirements.
5. Ensure our innovative, sustainable, and collaborative approach is balanced with management of risk vulnerability through a 100% completion rate of QA reviews at the 50% project budget milestone.

Dean Watts (Director)
Caleb Clarke (Director)

Environmental Policy

July 2024

Morphum Environmental Ltd (Morphum) is an environmental engineering and consulting company committed to sustainable practices in all aspects of its activities. Morphum shall maintain its Environmental Management System (EMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.

Morphum is driven by our founding vision - to create environmental change and sustainable outcomes that will ensure a thriving ecosystem for generations to come. Morphum is committed to protection and regeneration of the environment, continual improvement and mitigation of environmental impacts by exceeding relevant environmental legislation and other requirements. Morphum is committed to training all employees and contractors in environmental issues and aspects.

In order to achieve its commitments and vision, Moprhum intends to:
  • Enhance net positive outcomes by identifying and implementing resource efficient solutions through incorporating sustainability principles and considering low carbon approaches in our projects and business operations.
  • Engage with our clients to develop and apply sustainability strategies.
  • Encourage collaboration and communicate openly.
  • Advocate and promote sustainability through involvement in networks, industry groups and community initiatives.
  • Raise awareness, enhance mauri and facilitate a company culture within Morphum to support positive environmental outcomes.
  • Promote awareness and the use of the sustainability procurement policy to select and support suppliers and contractors to achieve similar high environmental standards.
  • Report publicly on our environmental and social material aspects through our sustainability report.
  • Implement the ‘Morphum Impact Tool’ to capture and communicate the ‘impact’ of Morphum projects considering people, place and environmental outcomes from the work we do.
The EMS will be reviewed annually to modify and improve on our environmental management commitments and guiding principles and maintain accordance with current work practices. This policy has been mandated by management; communicated to employees, contractors and clients; and is freely available to the public.

Dean Watts (Director)
Caleb Clarke (Director)