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Integrated Catchment Planning Services

Stormwater Engineering

Mitigate flood risk, protect water quality and future-proof water systems at the property level right through to the regional level.

Stormwater Engineering with Positive Impact

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Whether you need stormwater design, planning or analysis, Morphum supports projects at all stages of development.

Morphum was first founded on the understanding that engineering could be done in a way that uplifts people and enhances our environment and now, Morphum has been operating in infrastructure design for more than two decades.

Our expert team of engineers can support the future of your project and community, from design and project management through to infrastructure planning.

Resilient Stormwater

Our team of ecologists, fluvial geomorphologists and engineers work closely together on stream works and infrastructure projects to create resilient designs that improve erosion protection, energy dissipation, stream stability and enhance freshwater and riparian terrestrial habitats.

We’re passionate about protecting fish passage and can provide a range of easy-to-construct solutions for remediating fish passage barriers as well as future-proofed stormwater infrastructure.
Treat Your Water ▸

Flood Hazard Assessment & Response

Our flood risk & engineering consultants are equipped to handle emergency works for flood response and provide resilience strategies to minimise damage ahead of the time.

We offer comprehensive flood risk assessments, emergency planning, and urgent water works design, replacing stormwater and wastewater infrastructure to help communities recover.
Manage Your Wastewater ▸
Captain Springs Stormwater Infrastructure RepairBayfield Reserve, Auckland Stormwater pipe daylighting and flood prevention ripplesRemediated stormwater outfall with nature-based stream-like design

Our Stormwater Services

Stormwater infrastructure design
Stormwater water quality treatment design
Hydrological and hydraulic analysis
Overland flow path and flood management
Real-time data monitoring & interpretation
Waterway & habitat regeneration
Fluvial geomorphology
Erosion and sediment control plans
Storage detention / retention
Stream design and fish passage remediation
Private & Public Stormwater Management Plans
Nature-like in-stream erosion protection and grade control structures
Cost / benefit analysis for affordable Level Of Services reviews
Outfall erosion protection design
Water services delivery plans
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Stormwater Projects

Hamilton Stormwater Masterplan

Developing a master plan for Hamilton City Council, identifying issues and opportunities on a city-wide scale.

About Project ▸

Te Kukuwai o Toa Constructed Wetland

Taking a nature-based approach to stormwater management, incorporating ecology into a constructed wetland.

About Project ▸
Wetland Design that balances community use, flood mitigation and biodiversity restoration

Why choose Morphum for your

Stormwater Engineering

Enhancing Infrastructure & Waterways

Our environment has been at the core of the business since the day Morphum was founded. We are committed to providing solutions that not only meet our clients' needs but also enhance the surrounding environment and communities.

Our team of ecologists, fluvial geomorphologists and engineers work closely together on projects to create innovative designs that improve erosion protection, energy dissipation, waterway stability and enhance freshwater and riparian terrestrial habitats.

We’re passionate about protecting fish passage and can provide a range of easy-to-construct solutions for remediating fish passage barriers.
Climate Risk & Adaptation Services

Emergency & Flood Response

In times of emergency, swift and effective flood response is critical.

Our flood risk & engineering consultants are equipped to handle emergency works for flood response and provide resilience strategies to minimise damage ahead of the time.

We offer comprehensive flood risk assessments, emergency planning, and urgent works design, replacing stormwater and wastewater infrastructure to help communities recover.

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