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Land ecological and contamination survey for development construction site

Contaminated Land Services

Ensure your land is contaminant-free and get it right first time.

Morphum’s experts on the investigation and management of contaminated soil help you reach regulatory requirements and prevent harmful substances from reaching communities, future landowners and the surrounding environment.

Land Contamination & NESCS Support

Contaminated Land construction site Investigations icon

Contaminated Site

If a site has been used, or has potentially been used, for industry or activities that involve probable ground contamination, then it’s very likely an investigation will be required.

As part of this process, we investigate potentially contaminated land and plan any remediation of the site, including reports and plans to support resource consenting.

This gives you the peace of mind that your next steps will remove risk to human health and the environment.
Investigate Your Site ▸
Contaminated Land construction site remediation and management icon

& Management

We tailor our approach to ensure pragmatic and sustainable remediation and management of contaminated sites.

The types of contaminants and the risk of exposure changes with every site. Morphum’s remediation planning services support consent or disposal requirements, and applications that address your specific needs.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you meet your required standards without the hassle.
Manage Contamination ▸
Construction site environmental assessment for developmentDigging an earth sample for testingConstruction site environmental assessment with digger and machinery

Does your site need a contaminated land investigation?

The national environmental standard for assessing and managing contaminants in soil to protect human health (NESCS) ensures that land affected by contaminants in soil are appropriately investigated before it is developed.

These investigations will likely be required if there is probable ground contamination from a hazardous activity or industry and you plan to use the site for subdivision, earthworks, removal or replacement of a fuel storage system or if you plan on changing the land use. You can view the Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) here to see the full list.

If you’re unsure if your site needs investigation, feel free to reach out to us and we can help answer any questions you may have:
Contact Us ▸

Contaminated Land Services

Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI)
National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (NESCS) Support
Encapsulation and Management Methodology
Resource Consent Supports
HAIL Investigations
Site Validation Reports (SVR)
Detailed Site Investigations (DSI)
Contaminated Site Management Plans (SMP)
Remedial Action Plans
Contamination Reporting
Asbestos in Soil Investigation and Management
Sustainable Reuse of Soil
Peer Review
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Contaminated Land Projects

Case Study Title

Case Study Subtitle

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Native Fantail in a New Zealand Ecosystem

Case Study Title

Case Study Subtitle

About Project ▸
New Zealand Waterfall

Why choose Morphum for your

Ecology & Environmental Science

Ecology & Science Services

Net Ecological Gain

Our goal since day one has been to do more than just prevent degradation of our environment. Morphum strives to create a positive result for our environment, a net-gain for ecosystems, leaving the spaces we operate in healthier than before.

Our focus on enhancing our natural world has led to increases in biodiversity, water and soil quality, and a more promising future for our beautiful environment.
Nature-Based Solutions

Science-Based Engineering

Morphum is where Science & Engineering meet. We perform numerous scientific sustainability assessments and plans, before following through with both science-based and engineering solutions.

Our one-team, one-goal approach means that when we work with you, you’ll receive experts with all of the ecological solutions and engineering knowledge to create a successful outcome for your project and the environment.

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