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Morphum employee working on an environmental assessment site

Asset Management
& Operations

Managing assets and data collection doesn't have to be overwhelming. Our team supports the collection and analysis of infrastructure assets, with an emphasis on clear, useful outputs.

From reactive to proactive

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By assessing the conditions, risks and opportunities across your networks; strategic actions can be taken to improve the capacity of your networks, get ahead of asset upgrades and renewals, and ultimately mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events.

Understanding your stormwater network and asset conditions means your team can plan ahead.

Asset Assessments
& Design

Our asset operations team of engineers and geospatial experts are ready to assess assets across regions, and prepare for upgrades and renewals.

We assess based on a number of factors, from condition right through to overland flow and flood risk. Our expertise helps you get the data to prioritise actions, and execute the improvements without risking our environment and communities.
Improve Critical Assets ▸
Geospatial Services

Network Mapping & Tracking Tools

Organising key asset information into a single, accessible geospatial tool lets you see the bigger picture without the hassle.

Morphum has been pushing the boundaries of GIS since it's inception, and we're here to help you become proactive in asset management.

Let's convert your asset management processes from a series of different applications into one universal tool to help plan the next actions for your network.
Map Your Network ▸
Freshwater and asset mapping for councilsRemediated stormwater outfall with nature-based stream-like design

Our Asset Management Services

Asset data collection + inspection
Engineering surveys
Flood assessments + investigations
Construction monitoring
Operation and maintenance strategy development
Outfall, safety grille and pipeline condition assessments
Stormwater pond sediment surveys
Asset life cycle management
Fluvial geomorphology
Erosion and sediment control plans
Reactive stormwater management
Water quality monitoring
Sediment surveys
GIS Analysis
Overland flow path assessments
Erosion monitoring
Real-time stormwater monitoring, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools
Vegetation and weed mapping
Outfall erosion protection design
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Asset Management Projects

Real-Time Flood Monitoring [ADD]

Using Artificial Intelligence

About Project ▸
Wetland Design that balances community use, flood mitigation and biodiversity restoration

Hamilton Stormwater Masterplan

Developing a master plan for Hamilton City Council, identifying issues and opportunities on a city-wide scale.

About Project ▸

Why choose Morphum for your

Asset Management

Enhancing Infrastructure & Waterways

Our environment has been at the core of the business since the day Morphum was founded. We are committed to providing solutions that not only meet our clients' needs but also enhance the surrounding environment and communities.

Our team of ecologists, fluvial geomorphologists and engineers work closely together on WSUD projects to create innovative designs that improve erosion protection, energy dissipation, stability and enhance freshwater and riparian terrestrial habitats.
Climate Risk & Adaptation Services

Emergency & Flood Preparation

Morphum's team are specialists in flood and emergency works.

Our flood risk & engineering consultants are equipped to handle emergency works for flood response and provide resilient designs to minimise damage ahead of the time.

We offer comprehensive flood risk assessments, emergency planning, and urgent works design, replacing stormwater and wastewater infrastructure to help communities recover, and this includes Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) solutions.

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