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Assessing invasive tree species for environmental assessment

Terrestrial Assessments, Planning
& Wildlife Management

We support organisations of all kinds with ecological assessments, wildlife management and environmental planning. Let's help you ensure your ecological impacts are measured and mitigated.
Ecology, geospatial and catchment planning work illustration

Environmental solutions backed by science

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Our process integrates our teams of environmental scientists, engineers and geospatial analysts to deliver balanced and pragmatic advice to help you meet your needs and requirements.

Whether you're working with wildlife, or in and around native habitats, our ecology team can support your project from the beginning and as part of the planning process.

If you're unsure what you require or would like to talk to an expert about what you may need up front, get in touch with our team, and we'll be happy to help.

Terrestrial ecology services

Our team is ready to support your project with practical environmental assessment, planning and advice to simplify your environmental management.

These services include:

Environmental management plans (EMP)

Construction site environmental assessment with digger and machinery

Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)

Pohutakawa native New Zealand tree as part of an ecological assessment and engineering works

Wetland Delineation

A wetland ecological assessment and delineation for construction and environmental planning

Consent reviews + support

Soil investigation on a construction site with digger during earthworks

Site supervision + monitoring

Performing an environmental assessment on construction site

Bat & nesting bird surveys

Piwakawaka native New Zealand fantail bird found in a bird nesting survey environmental survey

Macroinvertebrate sampling

Coastal macroinverterbrate sampling ecological assessment for construction project

Lizard Management Plans (LMP)

New Zealand native copper skink found as part of lizard management plan

Lizard surveys & relocation

Lizard survey and assessment for Lizard Management Plan
+ more environmental science support and assessments
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Looking for more environmental assessment or planning support?

We can support your project with environmental assessments ranging from hydrology to soil sampling and more.

These can include:
Contaminated land investigations
Stormwater & wastewater effects sssessments
Hydrology assessments
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
Water quality monitoring
Site supervision & monitoring
Supporting information for resource consents
Consent reviews
Wildlife management plans
Peer review
If you don't see a service you require, or if you aren't sure what is required, contact our team and we'll support you through the assessment process.
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Ecology, geospatial and catchment planning work illustration

Terrestrial Ecology Projects

Construction Site Lizard Management Plan

Assessing a construction site for native or introduced lizards and ensuring they are salvaged to a protected area

About Project ▸
New Zealand native copper skink found as part of lizard management plan

Bird & Nesting Surveying


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Native Tui bird in an introduced tree as part of a nesting bird survey conducted by Morphum Environmental in Auckland, New Zealand

Why choose Morphum for your

Terrestrial Ecology

Ecology & Science Services

Net Ecological Gain

Our goal since day one has been to do more than just prevent degradation of our environment. Morphum strives to create a positive result for our environment, a net-gain for ecosystems, leaving the spaces we operate in healthier than before.

Our focus on enhancing our natural world has led to increases in biodiversity, water and soil quality, and a more promising future for our beautiful environment.
Nature-Based Solutions

Science-Based Engineering

Morphum is where Science & Engineering meet. We perform numerous scientific sustainability assessments and plans, before following through with both science-based and engineering solutions.

Our one-team, one-goal approach means that when we work with you, you’ll receive experts with all of the ecological solutions and engineering knowledge to create a successful outcome for your project and the environment.

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