Morphum Environmental have been assisting the Auckland Council to manage their water supplies and wastewater systems since 2013. These assets were previously owned by the Auckland Regional Council and the region's seven city and district councils. Morphum Environmental initially worked with Auckland Council on asset data discovery, and asset data collection. More recently we have focused on data quality and maintenance, data visualisation and analysis.
This has enabled Auckland Council to grow their knowledge about these small water and wastewater assets and better manage the maintenance contract scopes, while prioritising operational and capital expenditure. The data visualisation and analysis has also meant improved communication between Council teams and with maintenance contractors as asset locations and attributes were made available in a central GIS app.
Key deliverables:
• Site mapping and verification (via site visits and consultation with site users)
• Asset verification including CCTV etc.
• Asset documentation compilation (or creation where none existed)
• Asset data maintenance and improvement
• Mapping of asset components and digitisation of as-built drawings
• Compiling and mapping asset attributes (such as resource consents and expirations)
• Creation of an ArcGIS app accessible to Council staff and contractors