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Bay Of Plenty Watercourse Assessments

Location icon of our environmental engineering, science, geospatial or sustainability project

Kopurererua & Waimapu, Tauranga


Tauranga City Council


Ecology & Science

Monitoring & Compliance

Water Engineering

Catchment Planning

Climate Risk & Adaptation

Watercourse Assessments are carried out to provide Councils, iwi, hapū and community groups with information that can be used to maintain healthy freshwater and connected ecosystems and enhance those that are degraded. This information is also intended to support the maintenance and improvement of stormwater infrastructure function and capacity.

Tauranga City Council (TCC) in collaboration with Ngāti Ruahine, Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBoPDC) and Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BoPRC) have engaged Morphum to carry out Watercourse Assessments of the Kopurererua and Waimapu catchments.

Key outcomes from the catchment-wide assessments which have been tailored to local needs include:

• Comprehensive environmental and stormwater infrastructure geodatabases.

• Thematic PDF map series of information describing the catchment condition.

• Reports detailing insights from experienced environmental scientists and engineers that identify key environmental and infrastructure opportunities and issues, as well as accompanying web-based interactive summaries which cater to a wider audience.

• Reporting on environmental enhancement opportunities and infrastructure remediation opportunities to inform task briefs and/or business cases.

Watercourse Assessments provide important insights to ecological health and enhancement opportunities present across catchments in an accessible and engaging manner. They create a basis for catchment planning initiatives, among other Council, hapū and iwi functions, with the potential to inform wider community initiatives to co-create thriving ecosystems for the future.

Rural Watercourse assessment of stormwater and water quality monitoring

Morphum supports organisations around Aotearoa New Zealand understand their catchments and water networks, reach out to us below to find out more!

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