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Sustainability Policy for Countculture






Sustainability Consulting

In 2022, Morphum was engaged by Countculture to develop a Sustainability Policy. Countculture uses world-leading technology to monitor how people and vehicles flow through indoor and outdoor environments. In addition, the company underwent a rebrand in 2022 and, as part of this, sought to embed sustainability principles and systems early to ensure key initiatives are carried forward as the brand evolves.

The purpose of the Policy was to provide the foundation for Countculture’s Sustainability Strategy.

Morphum undertook a short desktop assessment to understand Countculture’s value chain and operations. Following this, Morphum and Countculture worked together in a workshop to assess the company’s material issues and map out areas of focus. The workshop considered Countculture’s specific drivers and relevant sustainability frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and international benchmarking platforms.

Morphum drafted a Sustainability Policy which sets out agreed commitments to respond to the environmental, ethical, and social challenges and opportunities resulting from Countculture’s own operations and through their work with their clients.

From here, Countculture intends to develop a Sustainability Action Plan to deliver on the commitments made within their Policy.

Morphum looks forward to supporting their sustainability journey further.

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