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Timaru FA1/4 Structure Plan

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Timaru District Council


Climate Risk & Adaptation

Catchment Planning

Water Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Morphum were engaged as part of a large multi-discipline team to develop a structure plan for an identified future development area north of the town centre. The large site is at the headwaters of Te Ahi Tarakihi stream which holds significant cultural value as well as being a long term flood risk to the downstream SH1, main trunk railway and residential/commercial development.

As part of the structure plan investigations, Morphum undertook detailed ecological and hydrological constraints investigations which informed a suite of recommendations for the subsequent structure plan development.

Due to the ongoing risk of flooding and the aspirations of Arowhenua iwi for the improved mauri of the waterway, Morphum guided the design team (landscape architects, urban designers, civil/Geotech engineers and transport planners) on innovative ways to integrate flood attenuation and stormwater mitigations within the valley floor in a way that can optimise co-benefits in terms of urban ecology, community connection with the waterway and integrated flood attenuation.

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