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Whanganui Urban Stormwater Planning

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Whanganui District Council


Water Engineering

Monitoring & Compliance

Catchment Planning

Climate Risk & Adaptation

Morphum have been engaged by Whanganui District Council (WDC) since 2015 to support them on a wide range of urban stormwater management projects.

As a small town sited alongside the culturally significant Whanganui River that is also the receiving environment for urban runoff, council has recognised the importance of improving the quality of stormwater and enhancing the ecological values of the remaining open streams. This is being achieved through partnering with mana whenua and applying best practice, whilst always being mindful of development pressures and ongoing flooding risks.

Whanganui freshwater assess for stormwater and catchment plan

Morphum have supported WDC through a range of projects including;

• Development of an integrated urban water plan to outline steps needed to progress stormwater management planning and delivery,

• ongoing input into the design of stormwater conveyance and naturalised waterway to service new residential growth areas,

• optioneering and development of design for a constructed wetland to mitigate impacts from new industrial/commercial development,

• technical support to an ongoing project that is remediating a closed landfill whilst integrating wetlands and restored waterways into the landscape,

• optioneering for a large integrated wetland, co-located within a large restoration site, that will manage water quality and flooding to protect downstream urban areas.

Morphum’s ongoing involvement in all projects is based on the establishment and maintenance of close working relationships with iwi/hapu who continue to take an active role in water planning, especially given its direct impact on the world’s first river to be given formal personhood status.

To find out more about Morphum's Stormwater & Catchment planning services, head to our Catchment Planning page:

Catchment Planning Services

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