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Jason Smith

Jason Smith

Environmental Scientist

Jason joined Morphum in 2019 as an Environmental Scientist.

Prior to joining Morphum Jason was a technical specialist at Auckland Council providing advice regarding regional earthworks and streamworks for resource consent applications, compliance monitoring and enforcement. Jason has been involved with the review of environmental effects assessment for Auckland Council on a wide range of complex resource consent and has made several appearances at various hearings in support of this work.

Jason has a broad background, with considerable experience working with various pieces of national level legislation and regional plans as well as considerable experience in the field of sample collection, scientific analysis and laboratory procedures.

Jason has a keen interest in working with planning policy and science to ensure Clients’ planning, construction and operational needs are addressed in projects, and that added value opportunities are identified and integrated to provide sustainable solutions.


  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Resource consent applications, compliance monitoring and enforcement
  • Erosion and sediment control plans and techniques
  • Water quality assessments
  • Stream quality assessments.

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