Hospitals provide an essential service to the community and uninterrupted water supply is a critical operational factor. Waitematā District Health Board wish to operate as efficiently as possible and take into consideration reduced resource use and other tangible actions.
Waitematā District Health Board engaged Morphum Environmental to better understand their water usage and water losses at their North Shore and Waitākere Hospital Campuses. The aim of the study was to identify if and how water savings could be made.
Through monthly billing, there was an indication of possible water losses on the sites which, if found, could represent a significant environmental and cost saving. The cost of water includes not just bulk water charges metered at the front gate but also any ancillary costs for internal processes such as pumping, heating, or treating.
The study included research to benchmark water usage for Hospitals internationally as little data is available for New Zealand.
The key findings were that although usage at both sites were close to international benchmark figures, leaks were sighted and repaired.
Key deliverables:
• Water usage data analysis and benchmarking
• Site investigation, asset data collection and liaison with site operational staff
• Leak detection services
• Water use reduction recommendations